School Hours

All children need to be in the school grounds by 8.45 and be collected no later than 3.30. Teachers will be available in their classrooms by 8.30am. The school will take no responsibility for the safety of students who arrive at school before 8am.

  • 8:55am School Commences
  • 10.40-11.05am Morning Interval
  • 1.00 – 1.30pm Afternoon Interval
  • 2:55pm School Finishes

Absences / Late Arrivals

Students who arrive after 9 am must report to the Office before attending class. If your child is going to be absent from school then please notify the school office by 8.45am. If you do not contact the office, we will endeavour to contact you to ensure your child is safe. If your child is absent for medical reasons (3 days or more) please provide a medical certificate. Please send your child to school each day s/he is well enough to be here. We have a h2 focus on attendance as research clearly shows that ATTENDANCE = ACHIEVEMENT.

Permission & Medical Forms

The forms in the back of the  hub booklets gives the teacher important information about your child’s medical needs etc. By handing in one permission slip for the year, we save teacher time so they can focus on the important things (like teaching your child!) Parents will always be notified of trips etc, as the occasion arises, and have the right to withdraw their child from any event or trip. This slip also gives permission for your child to use the internet, and for the school to use photos of your child for advertising etc and that you agree to abide by our Relationship Management Policy.


If there is something happening at school that you are unhappy about please do not hesitate to contact us. The school procedure is as follows:

  1. Ring the school teacher and arrange a suitable time to talk to the classroom teacher
  2. If you are not satisfied, meet with the Principal
  3. If you are still not happy, write a letter to the BOT. A copy also needs to be given to the Principal. The matter will be discussed at the next BOT meeting


Whole School Assemblies are held on even weeks on a Friday from 2pm with the whole community welcome to attend. Each team alternates in taking turns to present an item at the assembly.

School Donations and Fees

Once again there are NO school fees/donations this year. However, camps, overnight noho and out of school sports will still have fees (as allowed by law). We will keep you updated with the latest information about camps and trips. See also your child’s seesaw posts and the Facebook posts for updates on events.


Our school has a compulsory school uniform which can be purchased from NZ Uniforms in Ranolf Street. The uniform consists of a polo shirt, polar fleece sweatshirt and shorts or a skort. (Girls may wear either the shorts or the skort). In terms 2 and 3 your child may wear plain black trackpants or leggings and a black skivvy underneath their polo shirt. WINZ quotes can be arranged through NZ Uniforms. A new school hat will be introduced in term 4 2023 and compulsory by 2024. Limited second hand uniforms may also be available to purchase from the office.


Stationery packs are available at the school office.


The Newsletter is sent home every  second Thursday by email (or a paper copy if requested). We include details of sporting events and results, and other general events which may involve our children.


Our school has been lucky to be part of the FREE Healthy Lunches in Schools since Term 4 2020. We are extremely happy to have the Catering Company as our provider and I’m sure the students will all agree that what they are getting daily is nutritious, fresh and above all yummy!

Lost Property

All children are encouraged to have their clothing and shoes clearly named. Lost Property is kept in the Piazza, so it is suggested that you keep an eye out for missing items as they are all disposed of at the end of the term.


All children are encouraged to borrow books to read at home on a regular basis. Each class visits the library at least once a week and the children are also welcome during the lunch hour for three days during the week. Library books that are lost / damaged do incur a replacement cost.


Our school has a breakfast programme.

Opened from 8.30 to 8.50am every day with Whaea Leonie – one of our beautiful learning assistants.

We are lucky to be sponsored by Santarium and Fonterra with the milk in schools. We also offer  milo and toast . Kids Can provides us with marmite and peanut butter.

Kāhui Ako

Kawaha Point School is part of the Te Maru o Ngongotahā Ako/ Community of Learning – (CoL).

Our COL aims to bring together our individual strengths as a collective to establish effective interventions and innovations for our students from Year 1 – 13.

This group is is made up of 12 schools, 18 ECE centres, members of our local iwi and school whanau

A major focus of our Kāhui Ako is to ensure our priority learners, such as Māori, Pasifika and students with additional learning needs are given opportunities to experience and achieve successful outcomes during their time at school.